January 22, 2013

places I love (park city & sundance).

It took 5 minutes to convince my girlfriends across the country that a trip to Utah for some epic girl time and the Sundance Film Festival was a good idea. 

we met in the middle (sorry kara!)
went on #goslingwatch2013 (unsuccessfully)
played in the snow
laughed ourselves silly
saw some great movies
did some epic people watching 
bundled up to stay warm 
ate amazing meals 
sang Tony Danza tributes
discovered wine keeps you just as toasty as your scarf does
developed a major michael cera crush
relished in epic amounts of girl time
explored Main Street
made it awkward for bill pullman 
terrified stanley tucci
ran into james franco
heard actors talk about their films
nearly lost our toes waiting in line
experienced a screaming hoard of ladies
met lucky drag queens
fell in love with Park City 
remembered how fun our friends are
vowed to come back. 
a lot. 


1 comment

  1. I LOVE this. I want to cry I miss it so much. You guys are the absolute BEST group of girlfriends anyone could ask for! Thank you Lauren for capturing the awesomeness of the weekend. Love you girls!!!!

    ReplyDelete over there! Tell me what you think!

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