March 15, 2015

things I love (an hour well spent).

One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday while I'm catching up with life is listen to podcasts. There are lots of great ones. It's the perfect way to spend an hour maybe laughing, maybe learning, maybe getting some killer life advice. Here are three of my favorites (lately). 

Invisibilia. Man, this one's good. But for real, NPR doesn't really turn out BAD podcasts (hello, Serial!). Two cool gals got together and decided to share stories about things you can't see. Latin for "all the invisible things", Invisibilia is about the unseen forces that drive us - beliefs, ideas, assumptions, emotions. The first season is over, so now is the PERFECT time to catch up. Listen here.

Dear Sugar. Okay, by now, you've seen (and hopefully read) Wild. You probably loved it (I hope you loved it). Maybe you've done your Cheryl Strayed due diligence and found out about her time as part of anonymous advice columnist duo, Dear Sugar. Well, friends, the Sugars are back and delivering advice of the podcast variety, and it's good. Real good. Listen here. And once you've fallen in love, go ahead and buy Tiny Beautiful Things. A compilation of some of Strayed's most beautiful words. It's so good you'll loan it to friends and miss it while it's gone. 

The Nerdist. Who doesn't love a little geek talk? The Nerdist, hosted by comedian (and former Singled Out host) Chris Hardwick, is basically an hour of Hardwick and his nerdy friends chatting with someone more famous than them. Sometimes it's Bill Gates, sometimes it's Sleater-Kinney, sometimes it's Nick Kroll or Benedict Cumberbatch. And it's always good. Always. Listen here

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