January 2, 2019

adventure log // I N D I A (delhi round two)

actual travel in india can be a true test of creativity and patience. in order to get home, we had to spend a final night back where it all began, in delhi.

we took our time, wandered around checking out the small things we didn't notice the first time when we were too wide-eyed and fresh faced to pay attention.

all the people, sounds, traffic.

we ended our adventure with an amazing meal at haveli dharampura (we tried to stay there too, but they were all booked. if you can swing it - DO IT!).

while we waited for our table, we popped up to the roof for one final sweeping view of the city.

rooftop upon rooftop was at eye level - and as the sun set and the sky turned pink, we sat in silence taking it all in.

the call to prayer humming gently across the city, the peppering of horns honking, the slight clanging of dinners being prepared through open windows - and the beautiful view of hundreds of kids emerging seemingly in unison from the chaotic city to fly kites through the pink skies and signal an ending. of another day for them - and the adventure of a lifetime for us.


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