January 20, 2014

things I love (a good birthday).

Well 30, here you are. Staring me in the face. 

Good news is, you don't scare me one bit. 

To celebrate what I call "official" adulthood, my family and friends threw me a perfect surprise party. There's something pretty special about getting all those people you love together at once. 

There was a photo booth (with props). There was my FAVORITE meal. There were embarrassing photos. There was a birthday tree (I knew leaving my Christmas tree up way past what is appropriate would pay off!). There was a virtual love fest from my favorite lumberjacks. It was everything. It was the perfect way to ring in a new decade (!!!!). 

I have a feeling my 30's hold quite a few adventures. And I can't wait to share them with all these wonderful people. 



1 comment

  1. Looks like it was a BLAST, welcome to the good years of the big 30, I swear life only gets better with age just like a good wine! Cheers :)


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