It had been far too long since I'd visited.
This city that's home to people who I like. So very much.
Music, beautiful weather, mountains and friends were reason enough to make the trek.
The Avetts were playing. At Red Rocks.
A more perfect show might not exist.
And we had to be there.
And so we went.
We snarfed.
Went barefoot.
Avoided downtown and made friends with a new neighborhood.
A pretty adorable neighborhood.
We had sleepovers.
Heard American Girl covered twice.
And confused it for something else.
We visited Stanley.
Channeled Stephen King.
Saw Scary Mary in the flesh.
Told ghost stories.
Watched scary movies in daylight.
(through squinted eyes and from under blankets...).
We danced.
Until we couldn't anymore.
Fell more and more in love with folky, warm, dreamy jams.
Because that's what the Avetts do to a person.
Make you fall in love.
After "I and Love and You", I overheard a guy near me quietly say to his girlfriend, "I get it now".
Because in that moment, that place, with those songs and those people,
How could you not?
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