August 20, 2015

things I love (when bff's get married).

this girl. 
about a year ago, she popped a sassy little card in the mail and asked me to be her maid of honor. 
like it was even a question. 

over the last 12 months, we've done lots of celebrating. 
micro-showers in phoenix. 
sequin city in vegas. 

and finally, this august, a killer wedding in the colorado mountains. 
it was epic. 
the weather was perfect. 
all my favorite lumberjacks were in town. 
I got to share maid duties with the best girls around.
shaky toasts were given (me)! 
the bride and groom performed a song they wrote. 
there was a most-excellent journey circle.
& we danced. like it was going out of style.

in my toast I wished them a life together of adventure and laughter: 

I won’t wish for you a perfect life, because nothing perfect is interesting, nothing worth it is easy and the journey is what gives this life meaning and value. Instead, I wish for you a life full of laughter, new traditions and adventures, both near and far. A life that’s a little bit messy, a lot of fun, and held together by a commitment to dive head first, hand in hand, into whatever lies ahead.

and they most certainly kicked it off with a bang. 

and without further ado. one million photos. 


August 19, 2015

things I love (a great distraction // 31).

karlie kloss has a youtube channel. and it's just about as adorable and cool as you'd think.

my favorite internet girl wrote an e-book. and it's real good. 

sephora wants you to play

this makes me want to dig out the original. 

parents at bachelor parties. yay or nay?

August 13, 2015

things I love (flair!).

Like a 90's waitress, I can appreciate some good flair. Like really appreciate it. I have a whole drawer dedicated to it in my bedroom. I know, I know. Calm down Lauren. 

Anyway - I know it's not for everyone, but on the chance that there's a fellow flair connoisseur reading this, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite resources for kitschy, sparkly, fluffy flair! 

tuesday bassen
georgia perry (I snagged my beyonce pin from here)
valley cruise press 
jar of buttons (a local az fave)
explorer's press
greenwich letterpress 


August 4, 2015

things I love (a great distraction // 30)

I've always wondered about this

I burn easily. but come on

ha! truth

quick solutions to all your first world problems

talk about helpful
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